Our CEO doesn’t just talk it… she did it.
10 years ago, our CEO Debbie, met John & Carrie on the streets of Sydney, and with a single self-less and life changing act of kindness, took them both off the streets for good.
It is no secret that our clubs are hands on when it comes to helping homeless initiatives, did you know that over 120,000 people are without a secure place to sleep every night? All people should have access to a warm and safe home.
Last year our team of Directors, management and staff slept out in the cold on club grounds to raise money for the homeless and people experiencing domestic violence, raising over $15,000. This June, our team will sleep out again to raise money for St Vincent De Paul Food Truck Wollongong which provides food, toiletries, blankets, hot beverages and companionship to those experiencing or at risk of homelessness and social isolation.
Please join us by donating to our cause. Every cent counts.
*Please note our sleep-out is for employees only*
Click below to read out Deb & John’s heartwarming story…